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Leaving a legacy

Live Well + Leave Well = Leaving Your Legacy

An end-of-life doula, also known as a death doula or dying companion, plays a crucial role in supporting individuals and their families as they navigate the final stages of life.

Hi, I'm Belinda Price

I offer compassionate, non-medical, and holistic care, focusing on the emotional, spiritual, and practical needs of the dying person. End-of-life doulas provide a comforting presence, creating a safe space for open discussions about fears, hopes, and wishes surrounding death. I assist in creating personalised plans for the dying process, offering guidance on legacy work, including but not limited to beautiful unique videography creation, helping to ease discomfort, and providing emotional support to both the individual and their loved ones.

My role encompasses advocating for the person's wishes, providing resources, and fostering an environment of peace and dignity during this profound and sensitive time.

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